The Big "W" - How to Support Wellbeing in the Workplace
Since Covid-19, we have seen a significant increase in our client’s placing importance on staff wellbeing and putting strategies in place to support and maintain this. Employee well-being directly impacts how positive staff are feeling, which directly impacts a company's culture. As a result of this, companies will often improve in productivity, stronger engagement levels, quality of work, and performance and efficiency and less absenteeism.
There are five key ways to sustain wellbeing both at home and in the workplace. These are internationally recognised and are recommended by NZ Mental Health Foundation.
1. Connect: Building positive relationships with workmates and feeling valued is key to sustaining a healthy well-being. This could look like having lunch with someone in your team, monthly catchups with your Manager, or offering a hand when someone is in need.
2. Learning: Being curious and seeking new opportunities at work stimulates the brain, while building experience and confidence. Encouraging and offering courses to develop and upskill, or providing opportunities where individuals can provide input such as leading a team meeting or working on a project. Try offering to enroll your staff in a class/course to upskill, give them a new project to input on, or even leading a team meeting.
3. Give Back: Carrying out acts of kindness, big or small, can increase happiness, satisfaction, and general well-being. Consider signing your workplace up for a charity walk, shout someone their morning coffee, or host a food drive.
4. Take Notice: Living in the current moment and recognising all we have to be grateful for boosts wellbeing. Acknowledge the small wins throughout your day, give a compliment, and take each challenge as they come.
To sustain well-being in the workplace, aiming to encourage or instigate the above weekly in your office. Alongside these simple ways to improve employee wellbeing, 1:1 wellbeing coaching has additionally been proven to directly affect engagement, retention, and performance in staff.
Our Wellness Consultant Sara offers 1:1 coaching across all levels of employees from junior through to senior levels. These are proving very popular right now to support the many individuals that are overwhelmed, under pressure and anxious with the uncertainty ahead, and require some tools to support their well-being to improve both their engagement and performance.
Another great offering Kinetic has is a 1:1 new employee coaching check-in session. This takes place 10-12 weeks into their new role and a feedback report is provided to the employer to offer insights into their onboarding process. This service is available to you even if you are recruiting internally. Kinetic Wellness also offers a variety of workshops that can be bespoke to your organisation’s needs.